Toddlers 18 months to 3 years
Daily Schedule
6:00am-7:30am |
Arrival of toddler, greet children and parents/guardians, health check, arrangement of personal items, organization of food and medicines, child centered activities and snack | Self-esteem, social development, literacy, discovery, cognitive experiences, self-expression. |
7:30am-8:00am |
Diaper change/toilet, wash hands | Self-esteem, social development, manners and hygiene. |
8:00am- 8:30am |
Wash and sit for breakfast | Manners, hygiene |
8:30am-9:15am |
Breakfast, clean up, wash hands and face, diapering if needed. | Nutrition, social development, manners, hygiene. |
9:15am-9:45am |
Child centered activities, art, science, sand/water table, dramatic play, books, blocks, climbing, sliding, stair climbing, puzzles, and pegs. | Self-expression, social development, listening, small muscle, self-control, creativity, communication |
9:45am-10:45am |
Preparation for outdoor play, vigorous outdoor play, indoor play if weather does not permit outdoor activities. | Large muscle, social development, responsibility, manners, discovery, sensory development, communication, independence, problem solving. |
10:45am-11:00am |
Wash hands for lunch | Manners, hygiene |
11:00am-11:30am |
Eat lunch, wash hands and face, diaper change if needed/toilet | Nutrition, manners, hygiene, social development |
11:30am-11:45am |
Quiet time with books, getting ready for nap | Literacy, self-control |
11:45am-2;15pm |
Nap time, Quiet time for those not napping or early risers | Rest and relaxation |
2:15pm-2:45pm |
Wake up, diaper change/toilet, wash hands for snack | Self –esteem, hygiene, manners |
2:45pm-3:15pm |
Snack time, wash hands and face | Nutrition, social development, manners, hygiene. |
3:15pm-3:45pm |
Music and movement | Social development, cognitive, small muscle, self-expression, creativity, communication, independence, problem solving, responsibility. |
3:45pm-4:45pm |
Preparation for outdoor play, outdoor activities, indoor play if weather does not permit outdoor activities. | Large muscle, social development, responsibility, manners, discovery, sensory development, communication, independence, problem solving. |
4:45pm-5:00pm |
Teacher directed activities, stories, songs, finger play, art. | Social development, listening, self-control, cognitive development, self-expression, manners, cognitive. |
5:00pm-6:00pm |
Child centered activities, prepare for departure, diaper change as needed/toilet, gather personal items, beginning arrival of parents/guardians. | Social development, problem solving, manners, discovery, communication, independence, small muscle. |
* Diaper changing will occur as often as needed throughout the day.
Supplies Needed for your children:
All children are required to have a pair of tennis shoes or closed toe and closed back shoe that can be worn outside. These can be left at the center for your child to change into. A change of clothes in case of accidents, messy projects, or spills is also required.
Toddlers: Parents are required to bring all items needed for their child. Which may include but is not limited too- diapers, pull-ups, formula, baby food, table food, wet-wipes, clothing, diaper cream and powder if it is to be used every time your child is changed. . Creative Minds Learning Center will provide Kroger Comforts “milk based and soy” formula and milk as a backup if parents/guardians do not provide enough. Children at this age will be eating the requirements of State Licensing and State of Ohio Child and Adult Care Food Program. Creative Minds Learning Center will provide items for Breakfast, Lunch and Snack that are required by the State of Ohio Child and Adult Care Food Program that is not provided by parents/guardians. Parents/Guardians will be required to bring formula, milk, table food and/or baby food. Please see “medications” for instruction if your child requires specialty foods.
Parents/guardians will be required to provide a healthy lunch according to each child’s age group schedule. A list of the daily breakfast and snacks required for each age group will be posted in Creative Minds Learning Center entrance. Creative Minds Learning Center will provide water, milk, juice (to replace fruit), vegetables and required breakfast and afternoon snack for all age groups.
We will provide a time for breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 am, lunch between 11:30 and 12:00 am and an afternoon snack between 3:00 and 3:30pm. Each classroom will be assigned a ½ hour for each meal with the exception of breakfast. Please check with your child’s teacher or one of the Center Directors for your child’s meal times.